Resources are scarce when running a business and it’s tempting to think you can skip hiring dedicated, expert HR staff for your business – but if you want your company to be truly successful it’s vital to invest in this all important area. Investing in the best HR team you can will pay off in a multitude of critical ways; with a streamlined recruitment process, you’ll attract a higher quality of staff, who are more suitable and a better fit with the rest of your employees.
Strive for excellence – always employ the experts
When you’re looking for an HR expert for your business, you need to look for a combination of different factors, all of which are vital if you want a team member who will perform at their peak in the role.
Do they have the experience and knowledge required in recruiting for your industry, or a relevant related one? This is important if you want team members who will be truly effective when screening for new employees.
Will they work well with other staff members? Being a team player is crucial for any HR staff, since communication is a big part of their job.
Are they up to scratch with current methods of recruitment, through telephone and video screening and social media headhunting?
To stay competitive and attract the best you need someone who will proactively recruit, not just sift through CVs. Social media headhunting, and video interviewing and telephone screening are all a critical part of the recruitment process now – any staff you hire should have relevant experience in these areas.
HR is a minefield and to lead the way through the maze, you need personnel who can navigate legal complexities such as hiring and employment law and health benefits – as well as staff who are able to conduct the recruitment process itself. Your HR team members will also need to possess top notch communication skills as they’ll be presenting the face of your company to any potential employees.
Look for a professional flexible enough to handle all forms of employee screening, in today’s global, flexi-commute environment, this is crucial. On Demand Video Interviewing is becoming a big part of many company’s recruitment process now, so you’ll need someone well versed in this specialist area to sift through candidates for you.
Good HR personnel need to do so much more than just interview staff effectively, they must also know how to seek out employee traits that will compliment your brand and should be well versed in all aspects of employment law. If you conduct business abroad, you’ll also need someone who can offer advice and guidance to future employees regarding work permits and visas too.
Communication is everything with HR, and anyone you’re considering hiring should have excellent skills in this vital area. There’s no point hiring an ineffective HR leader who can’t communicate well with others so they need to be likeable, personable, and able to get a clear and succinct message across to your employees.
Proactivity’s a plus too, as they should be entrepreneurial in order to seek out and find the best new employees and initiate contact with them. Remember – solid communication skills are just as important, if not more so, than legal knowledge and experience, but any member of HR staff you hire should possess a good mix of all three to be truly effective.
Do your duty as an employer – ensure your HR staff stay current
So you’ve got past the first hurdle and hired the best staff you can find for your HR team? Now comes the hard part -you need to retain them and you need to ensure they stay up to date on best practice.
If you want to get premium performance out of your HR team, you need to invest by providing them with the first class training, so they can expand their skillset and stay relevant.
Watch out for training that enables your staff to update their skills, such as sessions on employment law, video interviewing training, or candidate screening courses. You should also encourage them to get involved in networking events with other HR professionals, to stay ahead of the game and learn about new methods and techniques that can be utilized within your company.
Investing in your HR team is an investment in your whole business. HR is such a critical area with a dramatic, wide ranging impact that reverberates throughout your entire brand and it shouldn’t be skimped on – so screen and hire your HR staff selectively, and employ the very best you are able to afford.